Speakers Profile
ペンシルベニア州立大学(Penn S tate U niversity)の教授で、ケア、コンパッション、および人間の発達を研究。教育と発達科学を専門とし、観想的教育(Contemplative Education)および発達的観想科学(Developmental Contemplative Science)といった新しい分野の先駆者である。ローザー博士の研究関心は、思春期から若年成人期までの時期や、学校教育(学生の学業、社会的・情緒的発達、アイデンティティの発展における中心的な文化的コンテクスト)、教師と学生向けのマインドフルネス(心の安定)とコンパッションのトレーニングの役割などにある。近年の研究対象としては、大学の単位認定科目において、学生が(a)メンタルヘルスの課題に取り組み、(b)豊かな人生を追求する手助けとして、マインドフルネスとコンパッションの実践を導入することに焦点を当てている。
PART 1「観想教育の科学」
The Science of Contemplative Education
基調講演者|Keynote Speaker
Robert Reser
Robert Roeser, PhD, is the Bennett Pierce Professor of Care, Compassion and Human Development at Penn State University. His training is in education and developmental science, and he is a thought leader in the emerging fields of Contemplative Education and Developmental Contemplative Science. Dr. Roeser’s research interests include adolescence and early adulthood, schooling from Pre-K to College/University as a central cultural context of students’ academic, social-emotional and identity development; and the role of mindfulness and compassion training for teachers and students. His recent work has focused on introducing mindfulness and compassion practices in for-credit, college courses for students to help them to (a) manage mental health challenges and (b) pursue their own vision of a life of flourishing.
小澤 デシルバ 慈子
エモリー大 学 日本 研 究・人 類 学 教 授
全 米 人 文 科 学 基金( NEH:National Endowment for the Humanities) 助成金、ジョン・テンプルトン財団 マインド&ライフ観想研究フェローシップ受賞者(Mind and Life Contemplative Studies Fellowship)。心と身体、宗教、医学、セラピーにおける西洋と東洋双方の視点を対話させることにより、健康と病、ウェルビーイングをめぐる多文化間理解(文化的理解)に寄与することを研究の展望としている。過去 10 年の研究は、日本と米国における孤独、共感、意味付け(meaning-making)、主観性、観想的実践、レジリエンスなどに焦点が当てられている。 著書 『現代日本の孤独の人類学:自殺と社会的つながり、そして関係性が意味するものとは』(原題 The Anatomy of Loneliness: Suicide, Social Connection and the Search for Relational Meaning in Contemporary Japan, University of California Press, 2021年)はVictor Turner Book賞、Stirling Book賞、Francis Hsu Book賞など複数の賞を受賞。その他、『日本における精神 療法と宗 教:「内観」の実 践』(原題:Psychotherapy and Religion in Japan: The Japanese
Introspection Practice of Naikan Routledge, 2006) という単著、Transcultural Psychiatry (2020)に"Toward an Anthropology ofLoneliness"という特集号の共同編集など、著作多数。
Japanese Loneliness and prospects of Contemplative Education
PART 2「日本の<孤独>から見る観想教育の展望」
基調講演者|Keynote Speaker
Chikako Ozawa-de Silva
Chikako Ozawa-de Silva, DPhil, is a professor of Japanese Studies and Anthropology at Emory University. She is a NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) grant recipient and a Mind and Life Contemplative Studies Fellowship (The John Templeton Foundation) recipient. Her academic vision is to contribute to cross-cultural understandings of health, illness and well-being by bringing Western and Asian perspectives on the mind-body, religion, medicine, and therapy into fruitful dialogue. Her publications include two monographs: the multi-award winning The Anatomy of Loneliness: Suicide, Social Connection and the Search for Relational Meaning in Contemporary Japan (University of California Press, 2021) and Psychotherapy and Religion in Japan: The Japanese Introspection Practice of Naikan (Routledge, 2006); as well as a co-edited special issue “Toward an Anthropology of Loneliness” in Transcultural Psychiatry (2020) and over twenty peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. For the past ten years her research has focused on loneliness, empathy, meaning-making, subjectivity, contemplative practice, and resilience in Japan and the US.
エモリー 大 学 観 想 科 学・慈 悲 に 基 づく倫 理 センター(Emory Compassion Center)のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターであり、以前はエモリー・チベット・パートナーシップ(Emory-Tibet Partnership)を務めた。チベットに隣接するヒマラヤの奥地、キンナウルで生まれ、元チベット仏教の僧侶でもある。インドのダラムサラにある仏教弁証法研究所で修行を始め、600年の歴史を持つドレプン・ロセリング僧院で教育を受けた。
また、エモリー大学観想科学・慈悲に基づく倫理センターを通じて、科学とスピリチュアリティが交差する3つのプログラムを開発。現在は監督を務める。これらのプログラムは、コンパッションの文化を世界的に発展させるために取り組む、同センターによる確かな研究によって支えられている。3つのプログラムのうち1つ目は、2004年に開発されたCBCT®(Cognitively-Based Compassion Training:認知に基づく慈悲のトレーニング)である。これに続いて、エモリー-チベット科学イニシアティブ(ETSI)を開発。ネギ博士の指導のもと、ETSIは、チベットの僧侶・尼僧のための6年間にわたる包括的な現代科学カリキュラムを作成し、僧侶のための教育と統合した。現在、ETSIは僧侶を科学教師や研究者として育成している。また、ダライ・ラマ法王の招きにより、第3のプログラムにあたるSEE ラーニング®(Social,Emotional and Ethical Learning)のチームを率いて、現在、SEEラーニングのグローバルレベルでの実施を統括している。
Social Emotional and Ethical Learning : Contexts and Trajectories
PART 3「観想教育としてのSEEラーニングの展開」
基調講演者|Keynote Speaker
Lobsang Tenzin Negi
Lobsang Tenzin Negi, Ph.D is Executive Director of the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University (Emory Compassion Center), formerly the Emory-Tibet Partnership. In this capacity, he has supervised the academic endeavors undertaken by Emory University in collaboration with His Holiness the Dalai Lama since 1998. Dr. Negi is also a Professor of Pedagogy in Emory University’s Department of Religion. Dr. Negi has been at the forefront of compassion science, collaborating with numerous researchers from multiple disciplines to examine the mechanisms behind compassion and its effects on the mind and body. Through the Emory Compassion Center, Dr. Negi developed—and now oversees—three programs that are at the intersection of science and spirituality. These programs are supported by robust research components as the Emory Compassion Center works to advance a global culture of compassion. The first of these three programs began in 2004, when Dr. Negi developed CBCT® (Cognitively-Based Compassion Training), a secularized contemplative program based on Tibetan Buddhist mind training practices that deliberately and systematically work to cultivate compassion. Following the CBCT® program, Dr. Negi developed the Robert A. Paul Emory-Tibet Science Initiative (ETSI). Under his direction, ETSI created a comprehensive, six-year-long modern science curriculum specifically for Tibetan monks and nuns and supported its integration into monastic education. Currently, ETSI is training monastics to become science teachers and researchers. At the invitation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Negi led the team that created a third program called SEE Learning®(Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning), a framework and curricula for kindergarten through university level education and its accompanying educator resources. He now oversees the implementation of SEE Learning on a global level. Born in Kinnaur, a remote Himalayan region adjoining Tibet, Dr. Negi is a former Tibetan Buddhist monk. He began his monastic training at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala, India and continued his education at the six-hundred-year-old Drepung Loseling Monastery. He received the Geshe Lharampa degree in 1994, the highest academic degree conferred in the Tibetan monastic system. Dr. Negi completed his Ph.D. at Emory University in 1999
西平 直
1957年、甲府市生まれ。信州大学、東京都立大学、東京大学にてドイツ哲学と教育哲学を学び、1990 年から立教大学文学部専任講師・助教授、1997年から東京大学教育学研究科助教授・准教授を経て、2007年から京都大学教育学研究科教授。専門は、教育人間学、死生学、哲学。人のライフサイクルにおける変容、ケアとスピリチュアリティの諸問題を主な研究テーマとし、近年はそれらを日本の伝統思想の中で捉え直している。
Japanese philosophy and culture as contemplative learning
PART 4「日本的思想文化とSEEラーニング」
基調講演者|Keynote Speaker
Tadashi Nishihira
Tadashi NISHIHIRA is Professor and Vice Director in the Institute of Grief Care at Sophia University, and Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University. Nishihira was born in 1957 in Yamanashi prefecture and studied German philosophy and educational philosophy at Shinshu University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and the University of Tokyo. He became a lecturer and assistant professor at Rikkyo University Faculty of Letters in 1990, then an assistant professor and associate professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education from 1997. In 2007, he became a professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Education. Nishihira specializes in studies of Human Lifecycle, pedagogical anthropology, thanatology, and Japanese Philosophy. Research interests have focused upon studies of Human Transformation, Care and Spirituality. His recent interests are in the Japanese traditional and philosophical insights of those topics.
井本 由紀
慶應大学理工学部(外国語総合教育教室)准教授、観想研究センター長。専門領域は教育人類学、多文化教育。2009年にオックスフォード大学人類学研究科より博士号取得。同年より慶應義塾大学にて教佃をとる。世界各地そして国内の多層的な学びの現場に関わる中、瞑想や観想的実践と出会い、研究者・教育者・学習者の心身変容プロセスに関心が向くようになる。近年はSEE ラーニングの文脈化や観想教育と人類学的フィールドワークの交差、観想的実践による変容の間主観的経験を研究している。2022年に『SEEラーニング プレイブック』をチームで翻訳出版し、同プログラムの日本での展開の可能性について探っている。
大会長|Committee Chair
Yuki Imoto
Yuki Imoto, D.Phil, is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University and Director of the Centre for Contemplative Studies. She received her doctorate in anthropology from the University of Oxford in 2009, and has held teaching and/or research positions at various institutions including the University of Oxford, University of Tokyo, University of Toulouse, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, as well as Keio University. Her field is in the anthropology of education and learning, and she is interested in the cultural dimensions of contemplative programs such as SEE Learning, and in understanding the intersubjective experiences of connection and transformation through contemplative practice and ethnography. Yuki co-translated the SEE Learning Playbook into Japanese in 2022, and has subsequently been involved in leading SEE Learning Japan - a group of educators, practitioners, researchers and artists bringing SEE Learning to Japanese contexts in embodied and culturally sensitized ways.
新妻 雅弘
慶應大学システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 准教授
2007年慶應義塾大学理工学部情報工学専攻卒業、2009年慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科 開放環境科学専攻期博士課程修了、2013年AIを用いたバッハに関する研究で英国クイーンズ大学大学院後期博士課程(Ph.D)修了。立命館大学情報理工学部助教、青森大学ソフトウェア情報学部専任講師等を経て、現在慶應義塾大学大学院システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科准教授。データ駆動型AIという方向性より、専門家の深い知見に根ざしたAI利用に興味があり、バロック音楽、特に計算機を用いたバッハの筆跡鑑定に関する多数の論文を発表。
PART 1「観想教育の科学」
The Science of Contemplative Education
Masahiro Niitsuma
Masahiro Niitsuma, PhD, is associate professor at Keio University’s Graduate School of System Design and Management. Masahiro graduated from Keio University’s Graduate School of Science and Engineering. After completing his master’s degree at the School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems in Keio University’s Graduate School of Science and Technology, he went on to earn his doctorate (2013) at Queen's University Belfast, UK, for research on Bach using Artificial Intelligence. After serving as an assistant professor at Ritsumeikan University's School of Information Science and Engineering and a full-time lecturer at Aomori University's School of Software and Information Science, he is currently an associate professor at Keio University's Graduate School of System Design and Management. Rather than data-driven AI, Masahiro is more interested in the use of AI that is rooted in the deep knowledge of experts. He has published numerous papers on baroque music, particularly on the identification of Bach's handwriting utilizing computational technology. More recently, he is interested in considering the phenomenon of "I" that is created by the interplay between body and mind. Specifically, he is engaged in research that attempts to gain insight on the mechanisms of this complex phenomenon by considering the “body and mind” of the lumbar vertebrae as the central structure of body movement structures that are under constraints of equilibrium action. In particular, he has gained a significant amount of insight from traditional Japanese wisdom, and believes that the current challenge for Japan is to pass on its truth to the next generation, and to reflect it in its society.
エモリー大学(ジョージア州アトランタ)観想科学・慈悲に基づく倫理センター准教授。認知科学と仏教哲学の観点から、向社会的感情とそのプロセス、特に慈悲、許し、共感について研究している。ロブサン・ネギ博士とともに、SEE ラーニングのフレームワークの開発に貢献し、SEE ラーニング・プログラムの主要なカリキュラム・ライターを務めた。2021年、再び教員に転身し、現在はエモリー・カレッジで学部生向けの講義を担当するほか、小澤デシルバ慈子博士とソーシャル・エンパシー・ラボを共同主宰している。
PART 1「観想教育の科学」
The Science of Contemplative Education
Brendan Ozawa-de Silva
Brendan Ozawa-de Silva, PhD, DPhil, is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. His research focuses on prosocial emotions and processes, particularly compassion, forgiveness, and empathy, from the perspective of cognitive science and Buddhist philosophy. Together with Dr. Lobsang Negi, he helped develop the SEE Learning framework and served as primary curriculum writer for the SEE Learning program. In 2021 he transitioned back to a faculty role and he now teaches courses at Emory College for undergraduates and co-directs the Social Empathy Lab with Dr. Chikako Ozawa-de Silva.
髙橋 美保
東京大学大学院 教育学研究科 臨床心理学専攻教授
Japanese Loneliness and prospects of Contemplative Education
PART 2「日本の<孤独>から見る観想教育の展望」
Miho Takahashi
Dr. Miho Takahashi is a Professor of Clinical Psychology Course, Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo. She graduated from the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Letters, Nara Women's University in 1991. After working in the private sector, she completed a master's degree in sociology at the Graduate School of Sociology, Keio University in 1999. She worked as a clinical psychologist at hospitals, companies, and universities, etc. She completed the doctoral course in clinical psychology at the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo in 2008, and became a full-time lecturer at the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo in 2009, Associate Professor from 2011, and Professor from 2017. She is a clinical psychologist. Engaged in research, clinical practice, and education, focusing on psychological assistance for the unemployed and working people, and life career support. She has long been interested in psychological approaches that value Japanese culture and Eastern thought, and she is also familiar with Naikan therapy and mindfulness. She is also the president of the Society of Community Psychology, which emphasizes human connection.
小笠原 和葉
大学院で宇宙物理学を専攻後、SEとして国内ITベンダーに就職。 その後、自身の健康への問題意識をきっかけに、フィジカルとメンタルとの関係性に着目、研究を始めた。 人間全体をひとつのシステムとしてとらえ、より良く生きる生きるための身体性や生理学について 個人から企業までそれぞれのニーズに合った形で幅広く教育・啓蒙・コンサルティングを行っている。また、2023年、身体がキーワードとなる様々な学際領域をつなぐ学問領域に「臨床身体学」を立ち上げ、日々臨床・研究活動を行っている。著書 『理系ボディーワーカーが教える“安心”システム感情片付け術』(日貿出版社)
Japanese Loneliness and prospects of Contemplative Education
PART 2「日本の<孤独>から見る観想教育の展望」
Kazuha Ogasawara
Kazuha Ogasawara is a bodyworker and representative of the Clinical Physical Science Lab. After completing a master’s degree in astrophysics, Kazuha worked for a domestic IT vendor as an engineer. Through awareness of her own health issues, she later began to focus on the relationship between physical and mental health, and began her own research path. Since then, she has been educating and raising awareness on embodiment from individuals to corporate companies with respect to their mental and physical well-being by approaching the human-being as one holistic system. Kazuha places emphasis in meeting her clients’ unique needs in various ways; through education, raising awareness, and consultation. In 2023, she established "Clinical Somatics" as an academic field that connects various interdisciplinary fields where the “body” serves as the central focal point, and is currently conducting clinical research on a daily basis. Outside of her career, she is a mother of one and enjoys watching figure skating.
今井 朝子
慶應義塾大学では結晶 成長シミュレーションで修士号、イリノイ大学ではVRの研究で修士号を取得。東京大学では情報工学技術とコミュニケーションの研究で博士号を取得。人を幸せにする情報工学技術や国際的なプロジェクトに関心があり、ユニバーサルデザイン、ユーザビリティ―、アクセシビリティーに関係する様々なプロジェクトに参加。現在は、自由ヶ丘学園高校で時代の変化に合わせてカリキュラムを開発すると共に、学んだことを応用する場として子供たちが社会性と情緒のスキルを使って世界の人々と助け合えるオンラインの場を構築するプロジェクトを立ち上げ中である。
PART 3「観想教育としてのSEEラーニングの展開」
Social Emotional and Ethical Learning : Contexts and Trajectories
Tomoko Imai
Tomoko Imai, PhD., is the leader of STEM Education at Jiyugaoka Gakuen High School. She holds a master's degree in crystal growth simulation from Keio University and a master's degree in VR research from the University of Illinois. She received her PhD in information technology and communication research from the University of Tokyo. Tomoko is interested in information technology and international projects that are linked to people’s happiness, and has participated in a wide-array of projects related to universal design, usability, and accessibility. Currently, Tomoko is developing a curriculum at Jiyugaoka Gakuen High School that reflects the changing times. In conjunction, she has started up a project building an online platform where children can apply what they have learned and use their social and emotional skills to help each other with people around the world.
原田 友美
社会人経験後、大学で心理学と美術を学び、東京都公 立小学校で図工専科として勤務。退職後、大日向小学校の設立準備に携わりながら、オランダにてオランダ・イエナプラン教育専門教員資格を、翌年、日本イエナプラン教育専門教員資格を取得。2019年より現職。2021年より日本イエナプラン教育協会理事。
PART 3「観想教育としてのSEEラーニングの展開」
Social Emotional and Ethical Learning : Contexts and Trajectories
Tomomi Harada
Tomomi Harada is the group leader at the Mogi Gakuen Ohinata Elementary School (Jena Plan School). After going into the workforce directly from high school, Tomomi studied psychology and art at University and worked as an arts and crafts specialist at a public elementary school in Tokyo. She was then involved in working on preparations for the establishment of Ohinata Elementary School (Nagano Prefecture), at the same time obtaining a Dutch Jena Plan Education Specialist Teacher Certificate in the Netherlands. She received the Japan Jena Plan Education Specialist Teacher Certification the subsequent year. Tomomi has been a director of the Japan Jena Plan Education Association since the year 2021.
蒲原 慎志
ユーザベースにて、グループ全体におけるプロジェクト推進に従事しながら、NewsPicks Education事業を推進し、ビジネスと学びの両方の領域に従事。ビジネス領域では、エンジニア、コンサルタント、マーケティング等、多様な経験を経た後、現職に従事。コンサルタント時代には研修事業を同僚と立ち上げ講師も担当。
学びの領域では、小学生向けの探究型学習塾で講師を担当した後、NewsPicks Education事業を開始。「ニュースでつながり、ニュースで学ぶ」をコンセプトに、経済メディアNewsPicksを小中高の学びの現場で利活用する活動を推進。ニュースを素材として活用しながら、自己とつながり、他者とつながり、社会・システムとつながるTriple Focusの視点を大切にしている。また、先生同士、先生と生徒、そして生徒同士の関係性を育むことも大切にしており、教員研修を担当したり、総合的な探究の時間、総合的な学習の時間も担当しながら、対話的な学校創りにも関わっている。
PART 3「観想教育としてのSEEラーニングの展開」
Social Emotional and Ethical Learning : Contexts and Trajectories
Shinji Kamohara
Shinji Kamohara is the business manager at NewsPicks Education and a project leader at Uzabase Co., Ltd. He has been engaging in project promotion at Uzabase at the same time promoting the NewsPicks Education business, actively involving himself in the realms of both business and learning. In the business realm, Shinji landed his current position after gaining diverse experiences in engineering, consulting, and marketing. During his time as a consultant, he started up a training business with colleagues. With respect to the learning realm, Shinji founded the current NewsPicks Education business after working as a lecturer at an inquiry-based cram school for elementary school students. Based on the concept of "Connecting through news and learning through news," Shinji promotes activities to utilize the economic media NewsPicks in elementary, junior high, and high school classrooms. Using news as material, Shinji and NewsPicks Education place emphasis on three aspects: connecting with oneself, connecting with others, and connecting with society and systems. He is actively involved in teacher training, comprehensive inquiry time and study time, as well as dialogue with respect to school creation and development.
藤野 正寛
NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所リサーチスペシャリスト。神戸大学経営学部卒業後に、医療機器メーカーに7年間勤務し、経営企画管理業務に従事。海外駐在員時代に、10日間のヴィパッサナー瞑想リトリートに参加し、瞑想が身心を健康にすることを体験的に理解し、「働いている場合ではない」と退社。京都大学教育学部に編入学し、学士・修士・博士・助教を経て、現在に至る。 現在は、瞑想の実践者かつ研究者として、瞑想実践を通じてでてきた問いをもとに、認知心理学的手法やMRIなどの実験装置を用いて、瞑想の生理・心理・神経メカニズムの解明を進めている。また、人々のウェルビーイングを高めるために、瞑想を医療分野や教育分野に導入する活動に取り組んでいる。
PART 3「観想教育としてのSEEラーニングの展開」
Social Emotional and Ethical Learning : Contexts and Trajectories
Masahiro Fujino
Masahiro Fujino, PhD, is a research specialist at NTT Communication Science Laboratories. After graduating from the Faculty of Business Administration at Kobe University, he worked for a medical manufacturing company for 7 years. In 2010, he participated in a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat. During this retreat, he experienced firsthand the benefits of meditation on his physical and mental well-being. Wanting to understand meditation scientifically and share its mechanisms and benefits with others, he made the decision to leave his job and pursue research on meditation. He earned his PhD in the Division of Cognitive Psychology in Education at Kyoto University. Currently, his research focuses on exploring the neural, physiological, and psychological mechanisms of meditation. He is also actively working to implement meditations in medical and educational settings to enhance the physical and mental well-being of individuals.
本田 陽彦
幼少期の自己存在の自明性が揺らぐ原体験を経て、中学生の頃から観照的実践(contemplative practices)の修習をはじめ、大学では仏教哲
学、精神病理学、神経科学等から「仏教とマインドフルネス」に関する学際的研究を行っている。修士課程から瀬平劉アントン准授に師事し、自他の抜 苦与 楽を願いつつ、深い人間理 解に至るための研究を臨 床教育学(Clinical Pedagogy)の領域で開始した。
現在、博士課程において、文脈的行動科学(Contextual Behavioral Science)の科学哲学と心理療法理論を軸に、この世界を身体ぐるみで生きる人間のホリスティックな理解を深めるための質的心理学的研究を行なっている。井本由紀先生のアドバイスから着想を得た、研究参加者のマインドフルな経験の叙述を研究者が支える「マインドフル・オート現象学(MAP:Mindful-Auto-Phenomenology)」を試み、研究者のリフレキシビティを重んじる研究法を構築している。特にインタビュー調査における自己内intra-・自他間inter-で展開する即興的な関係反応に自覚的であることが、研究やセラピーのコンピテンシーにいかに関与するかに関心を寄せており、医療、教育、宗教、司法など、さまざまな領域との対話を積極的に行い、自身の教育実践や教育カウンセリングにも精力的に取り組んでいる。
Japanese philosophy and culture as contemplative learning
PART 4「日本的思想文化とSEEラーニング」
Teruhiko Honda
Teruhiko Honda is a graduate from Kyushu University’s 21st Century Program and the Educational Systems Graduate Program in Human-Environmental Studies. Teruhiko is currently pursuing his doctorate under the supervision of Dr. Anton Sevilla Liu. He is using the scientific philosophy of Contextual Behavioral Science and psychotherapeutic theories to build a foundation for a new type of qualitative psychological research to understand people more holistically through Mindful-Auto Phenomenology (MAP). Outside of his academic endeavors, Teruhiko is also a well-acclaimed gin-ei practitioner (“Gin-ei'' refers to the recitation of classical Chinese and Japanese poetry). From the age of 7, he has studied with grand masters and performed in numerous competitions. Most recently, he secured the National title in 2022 by taking first prize in the National Gin-ei Contest.
瀬平劉 アントン
九州大学臨床教育学准教授。日本哲学の洞察と文脈主義的心理学を組み合 わ せ て 、どのように 教 育を 変 革 するか を研 究している 。著 書 に『Watsuji Tetsurôʼs Global Ethics of Emptiness』(2017年)、西平直
『The Philosophy of No-Mind』(2024年)の共訳者。また、『Journal of
Japanese Philosophy』の編集者の一人でもある。
Japanese philosophy and culture as contemplative learning
PART 4「日本的思想文化とSEEラーニング」
Anton Sevilla-Liu
Anton Sevilla-Liu is Associate Professor for Clinical Pedagogy at Kyushu University, Japan. His research examines how to transform education using the insights of Japanese Philosophy combined with contextual psychology. He is the author of Watsuji Tetsurô’s Global Ethics of Emptiness: A Contemporary Look at a Modern Japanese Philosopher (2017) and the co-translator of Nishihira Tadashi's The Philosophy of No-Mind: Experience without Self (2024). He is also one of the editors of the Journal of Japanese Philosophy.
アコスタ・インスティチュート代表、ギャリソン・インスティテュートのフェローシップ・プログラム・ディレクター、教育コンサルタント、Center for Contemplative Mind in Society元理事。また、NYCヒーリング・コレクティブのクリエイティブ・ディレクターとして、癒し、ウェルネス、社会変革の分野でキュレーションや 啓発をする地域貢献活動を行っている。
過去10年間、リーダーシップ、社会正義、マインドフルネスの分野の橋渡しをしてきている。リーダーシップ・トレーニングのファシリテート、観想の高等教育への道づくり、ダイナミックな学習体験のデザインなどを通じて、3万人以上の教育指導者とその学生をサポート。マインド・アンド・ライフ・インスティテュート(Mind and Life Institute)の「観想的リーダーシップ・アカデミー(Academy for Contemplative Leadership)」に参加した後、観想的で修復的な実践を通して教育指導者を支援するため、不平等や癒しについての対話を織り交ぜた学習体験のコンサルティングと開発を始めた。最近では人種的平等を推進し、構造的な不平等をなくすための手段としてテクノロジーを活用する方法について関心を寄せている。
Angel Acosta
Angel Acosta, EdD., is currently the Director of the Garrison Institute’s Fellowship Program and an education consultant and a former Trustee for the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. He also serves as the Creative Director at the NYC Healing Collective, a community initiative curating work and insights at the intersection of healing, wellness, and societal transformation. For the last decade, Angel has worked to bridge the fields of leadership, social justice and mindfulness. He has supported over 30,000 educational leaders and their students by facilitating leadership trainings, creating pathways to higher education, and designing dynamic learning experiences. After participating in the Mind and Life Institute’s Academy for Contemplative Leadership, Angel began consulting and developing learning experiences that weave leadership development with conversations about inequality and healing to support educational leaders through contemplative and restorative practices. Lately, he has become curious about the ways in which technology can be used as a force for advancing racial equity and dismantling structural inequality.